Thursday, December 8, 2011
Knowing is Power...And Now I Know
- I can actually eat moderation....but I can eat it! I have been eating less than 15 carbs per meal, but was told today that I can have 45 per meal. HALLELUJAH!
- There are lots of great medication options.
- I'm not alone, there are support options.
- I can eat some of my favorite things at Christmas dinner.
- Knowledge is power...and now I have knowledge.
- With lots of hard work I can prevent/prolong having serious complications.
- This is not reversible. I will always have diabetes, and will always have to monitor my blood glucose.
- There are lots of serious possible complications.
- Treatment, and living this new healthy lifestyle will take lots of planning and creativity to keep cost down and to be successful.
Friday, November 25, 2011
Thanksgiving: Week 2 Update
Weight watchers what disappointing last week. I lost 1.7 lbs. I know that it's a loss, but that's only 4 lbs in 2 weeks. It seems that I should be losing more with the lack of carbs/calories that I'm eating....but I'm trying to remind myself that a loss is a loss!
Yesterday was Thanksgiving and I did really well. We had a non-traditional meal of beef tenderloin, collard greens, asparagus, cauliflower mash, and sweet potato fries. I didn't eat the sweet potatoes or the cauliflower, but mainly because I wasn't really that hungry (PTL!) I did have a slice of sugar-free pumpkin pie that I made...and it was really good!
My blood sugars are slowly going down. On average it runs in the 130's. Dr. Newton says that my fasting sugar needs to be at 100 or I'm going to have to start a non-insulin shot. I can not imagine having to give myself a shot everyday so I'm REALLY praying that by my appointment next Wednesday they will be at 100!
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Week 1 Update
After my diagnosis I stopped eating all sugars and most carbohydrates. I've never been a huge dessert fan, but I do like to have something sweet every now and then. The last time that I lost weight I depended lots on fruit, sugar-free Jello, tic tacs, and several weight watcher desserts. This time that's not possible. I can't have sugar, so that only leaves the sugar free Jello....which is ok, but lets face it, we all like a little variety. I decided last week that I would try the sugar free candies that I've seen. My favorite was Nips. They are amazing!! But no wonder, they are made with sugar alcohol, which are still carbohydrates! Same for all of the other sugar-free candy I've seen. Can we say false advertising....if sugar alcohol comes from sugar, then it's not sugar free!
My diet is pretty boring at the minute, but I'm trying to eat for nourishment, not for enjoyment. Most days I eat 2 boiled eggs for breakfast, or an occasional egg white omelet with fat free cheese and deli turkey. Breakfast is usually a chicken breast with BBQ sauce (my only sugar for the meal) and whatever left over veggie I have leftover in the fridge. Lately it's either asparagus or collard greens. My WONDERFUL mom made be lots of collards and froze them in large portions. I usually eat 1/2 for dinner and take the other 1/2 to lunch the next day. Dinner is pretty much the same as lunch, but sometimes with tilapia instead of chicken. I found an avocado veggie dip that I sometimes eat with broccoli when I get the late night munchies.
Weight watchers went well the first week. It's hard for me to eat all of my points each week since the only things that I eat that have a value is meat and dips. Veggies are 0 points. At the meeting on Monday I weighed 236.4...a 2.6 lb loss. I'm not gonna lie, I was disappointed. I keep having to remind myself that I lost almost 10 lbs the week before. I expected a bigger loss my first week. I think the last time I joined WW's I lost almost 6 lbs the first week....but I'm trying to remember that slow and steady wins the race.
I had a follow-up appointment with Dr. Newton yesterday. He really just wanted to look at my numbers and make sure I was headed down the right path. My blood sugar was in the mid to high 100's which is a great improvement, however my A1C was HIGH...hoping that when it is rechecked in 3 months it is way lower and closer to a 6 or 7 . Eating right is helping, but it's going to be a slow journey! I asked if I would still have to increase to 4 pills...unfortunately he said yes...for now. I'm taking 2 this week, but hoping that I can really get my blood sugars under control and won't need to go to 4 when the time comes. As a side note, my blood pressure was great. In fact, Dr. Newton seemed to show a little concern that it could go too low. The visit in general gave me a brighter outlook....which is somewhat scary. Weird I know...but I already worry that I'll loose my motivation as I get healthy.
I never heard from the doctors office about my referral for diabetic education, which was frustrating! I asked again yesterday only to be told that they only do the class once a month, and the next class was in late December! Seriously? How am I supposed know what to eat and what all these medical stats mean with out this class? A friend told me about a member of our church that is actually the Diabetic Education Coordinator in Gainesville, so I approached her at church Sunday to ask a few questions. She said that I could have 45 carbs per meal. Great news, but I haven't done that yet. I'm wondering if no carbs will get my blood sugar down faster? I could be totally wrong and it could be like water....the more you drink, the less you retain. I really want to get as much knowledge as possible about this disease so that I can fight it and win the war...with as few a battles as possible. I keep searching the internet, but it's hard to know what's true and whats opinion...or a sales pitch for a medication. I'm really looking forward to the education classes and the opportunity to learn more about what causes diabetes, and how to fight it best. I'm also hoping that there are others there that can give me ideas on what to eat and how to add more variety to my meals. I don't know how long I can endure only chicken and collards....with an occasional SF Jello.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
I've spent the majority of my life being 'fat'. I have several theories as to why. Hopefully I'll get a clearer answer to the "Why?" along this journey.
I grew up in a single parent home where my mom couldn't afford fresh veggies all the time. We ate a lot of macaroni and cheese and hotdogs. I don't remember eating a lot of veggies. I think that this could be one reason why I don't really enjoy them to this day.
I've dealt with a lot of things that felt like rejection in my life. The most major was my dad choosing another family over ours. I think that was the beginning of my never feeling good enough or worthy. I've been left out intentionally (and unintentionally) and have been rejected when auditioning for a solo's or drama parts for different events. Both of my Grandmothers have had expectations of me that I didn't meet. I was the only granddaughter on one side and never felt thin enough, girly enough, or eloquent enough for her liking. On the other side I was the biggest grandchild and always felt somewhat out of place and was always doing something wrong. My mom always seems to see the negative in what I do (or don't do). When she is positive I have a hard time excepting it as genuine. I've always been the person that gives in to what others want. I would rather someone else choose an activity or restaurant than have them be disappointed in the choice that I might make. I've always cheered for the underdog, and hoped that someone would cheer for me. All of this is how I FEEL...not necessarily what is TRUE! They are excuses that I need to overcome...and they are all lies from the enemy. We all make mistakes and I need to forgive those that have hurt me in the past and seek to be optimistic. My dad made some hurtful decisions, but they have been made and my holding on to the hurt doesn't help him, me, or our relationship. Everyone deserves and opportunity to be the "star" at some point, my being rejected only made way for others to have the spotlight. I wasn't rejected. I was selfish. My Grandmothers weren't disappointed in who I was, they only saw who I could be and wanted to best for me. My mom loves me. She is my biggest supporter. She may not say it, but she sees the best in me...I mean who tells people that they are glad they took the trash out or love the freshly cut grass? So what if someone is disappointed in my choice of restaurant or activity? They can voice their opinion and we can compromise, or they don't have to participate...and really are they going to be disappointed? I have great taste and it's just one meal. What's wrong for cheering for the underdog? I'm commanded to care for orphans and widows and show compassion.
I allow satan to whisper lies in to my ear way to much. John 8:44 says that "He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.' I must remind myself of this daily and recognize that he is a liar! I need to hold on to truth. God chose me. He adopted me as an heir with Christ. He finds me worthy because of no act of my own. He loves me and created me to glorify Him. I can do that by being obedient and enjoying him.
Starting Over: New Lifestyle, New Journey, New Blog
I've been feeling tired, lethargic, and just blah over the last month or so. I started stopping by the Ingles pharmacy when I was grocery shopping to check my blood pressure. It was always in the 140's over 90's, which is high. Although I didn't really want to have a doctor tell me that I had high blood pressure because of my weight, I decided that I didn't want to die or get worse, so I better make an appointment. That appointment was at 3:00 on 11/2/11. I weighed 248 lbs and my doctor prescribed a blood pressure medication and asked me to come in the next day to have some blood drawn to test my cholesterol, kidney function, thyroid, and insulin levels. He also wanted to see me in one week. I got a call from the nurse that Friday saying that my thyroid, and kidney function looked good, but my cholesterol was high and my insulin levels were abnormal. I was upset. This could have all been prevented. I began eating better (lean meat, fruits, and veggies, low fat). I even attended a Weight Watchers meeting that next Monday (weighed in at 240). On November 9, 2011 I meet with Dr. Newton (after weighing in at 238) to go over my lab results. My fears were confirmed. I have Type 2 Diabetes. After this appointment, I am now taking 2 blood pressure pills, 1 diabetes pill, and 1 cholesterol pill. I'm the girl that will endure a headache because I hate taking medication! At the moment this is my motivation, to get off of all the medication!
Was I upset? yes. But, I'm choosing to look at this optimistically. I had NO desire to eat healthy or exercise prior to 11/2/11. This is a wake up call for me. I am currently motivated to not only change my eating habits, but to change my lifestyle. Part of the reason that I need to blog about my journey is because I don't want to loose weight and get off of my medication only to revert to old habits and be back where I am. I'm hoping that by being real with myself (and whoever is reading this) I will learn from my mistakes and not return to this place.